Welcome to the Christ in Us, Video Gallery. Your visit to this page is much appreciated and I'm hoping that you'll find value from what I'm presenting you for your consideration. For those of you that already have a close relationship with the Lord will personally relate with the personal treasure that is found within that divine relationship. And for those that are seeking a personal relationship within the fullness of God, I'm hoping that I can somehow be an encouragement to you. For me, there is no greater comfort then knowing that God is always present with those that are His, through His Spirit.

Currently I have ten videos listed in the above "Video Room" drop down menu. I plan to add more as time permits and I welcome your thoughts and comments on both the videos and the website itself. You can contact me or leave a message if you like through the contact link, located in "Author" drop down menu. So, please check back from time to time as I often add to this website.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the videos, and by the way, none of the videos listed, exceed 15 minutes. Thanks again and may you find all the richness of living in God's blessings!